T Shirt Printing

Smile Please Studio personalised T-shirts prints are available from S – 3XL (depending on the model) and women’s tees come in XS – 2XL (depending on the model). Please ask to see our size chart to ensure that your personalised T-shirts prints are the correct size.

With Smile Please Studio shirt printing service, you can print on both the front and back of any T-shirt of your choice.

With Smile Please Studio personalised T-shirts you can order a single printed T-shirt or as many as you want. We do offer discounts for larger prints. To find out more on our personalised T-shirts get in contact and a team member can help.

Our custom printed T-shirts can be printed onto cotton, cotton/polyester mix, polyester and uncoated nylon, with a minimum quantity of one.

High-quality t-shirt prints in various sizes

T-shirt Printing

We Supply high-quality t-shirt printing service, using printed vinyl and transfers, ideal for sportswear, workwear and of course stag and hen nights, amongst other events.

We can print onto cotton, cotton/polyester mix, polyester and uncoated nylon, with a minimum quantity of one.
We can supply a wide range of t-shirts and other garments such as jackets, aprons and cargo trousers to mention but a few, ranging from extra small to 6XL as well children’s sizes from age 1-2 to 12-13.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

  • Personalised T-shirts
  • No minimum order
  • High quality
  • Great print quality
  • Instore print
  • 24-Hour turnaround



23 Wellington Parade, Sidcup, DA15 9NB


020 8331 5836




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Canvas Prints

Smile Please Studio specialises in creating high-quality canvas prints of your treasured photos.

Photo Gift Printing

Our store in Sidcup has a large range of printing services, including everything from restorations of old photos to bespoke photo printing.

Photo Parties

Smile Please Studio is has a combination of highly affordable rates and exceptional quality studio space. Our in-house team are always extremely welcoming, knowledgeable and helpful.


Have a photo session at Smile Please Studio, our Photographers will make you feel relaxed whilst taking your family photos in a relaxed environment.

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